Lenten Study: Deeper Dive into Matthew 25:1-13

Matthew 25:1-13

Deeper Dive : Each chapter I will share a time for deeper study into the biblical word of the scripture we discuss. Before we move into a new chapter let’s dive deeper into Matthew 25, the Parable of the Ten Virgins.

I’m waiting. I’m waiting patiently. One day our Lord will return. While we are waiting we have to be prepared. The Holy Spirit and his presence provides the oil, the gas needed to help us while we wait. And while we are waiting, he dwells within us, our bodies are the temple where his spirit resides and we must care for this temple to live a full and complete life.

What are the three elements in this scripture of Matthew 25 1:-13? The bridegroom, the bridesmaids, and the oil. What does each element represent?

The bridegroom is referenced several times in the new testament, especially in Revelations. The bridegroom represents Christ. In Revelations 19:7 it states, “Let us rejoice and exult and give the glory for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready.” The bride is the church.

The Bridesmaids. There are ten bridesmaids. Five of them represent the faithful christians that will take the narrow road to heaven. But what do the other five bridesmaids represent, the unwise ladies that had no reserve oil? Do they represent non-christians? Do they represent the nominal believer that professes their faith outwardly, but have never truly accepted Christ inwardly. Do they represent the “pharisee ” type individual? It’s a hard question. It’s a hard discussion, because the door is locked and doesn’t open.

The oil. Many say the oil represents faith. But I feel drawn to the possibility that the oil represented the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament the Israelites anointed with oil to consecrate God’s heavenly presence through the Holy Spirit. King David and King Saul were anointed with oil, and the Holy Spirit was then present within them. But what about Saul? I’m reminded that Saul was anointed during his coronation but later the Spirit of the Lord left Saul when he disobeyed God and an evil spirit took over. This event is described in 1 Samuel 16:14. Maybe this could explain the why and how the 5 virgins weren’t prepared. They no longer had the holy spirit indwelling, and maybe they never did.

I’m waiting. I’m waiting patiently. One day our Lord will return. While we are waiting we have to be prepared. The Holy Spirit and his presence provides the oil, the gas needed to help us while we wait. And while we are waiting, he dwells within us, our bodies are the temple where his spirit resides and we must care for this temple to live a full and complete life.

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