Lenten Study: We Move to the Garden

I began the 4th season of Chosen last night, one of our treasured Lenten activities. During one of the scenes, the father Zebedee, father of James and John, was soliciting his new olive oil to the priests in order to make ends meet for the disciples. Their competitor was the magnificent oil from the gardens […]

Lenten Study: Deeper Dive into Matthew 25:1-13

Matthew 25:1-13 Deeper Dive : Each chapter I will share a time for deeper study into the biblical word of the scripture we discuss. Before we move into a new chapter let’s dive deeper into Matthew 25, the Parable of the Ten Virgins. I’m waiting. I’m waiting patiently. One day our Lord will return. While […]

Lenten Study: Having an Unlimited Reserve

Scripture Reading: Matthew 24: 36-44 Today, let’s back track a little. How did we get to the parable of the ten virgins historically? What was leading up to this conversation for being “prepared and having a reserve”? Christ was talking to his disciples about his return. “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, […]

In His Presence: a 40 Day of Writing during Lent

Scripture Reading : Matthew 25:1- 13 For the next 40 days, I will be writing about the tree of the olive, her oil, and her fruit. God’s Word is full of teachings about this fruit and her oil. The journey continues. I’ve been studying oil in the Scriptures for two years. The goal is simple: […]

Hope For Pain Holiday Shopping Picks

This week marks the beginning of holiday gift shopping. Do you have friends or family recently diagnosed with a chronic disease who could use a gift to help boost their healthy living in the new year? Perhaps you have a friend who is new to the whole foods, plant-based lifestyle but you’re unsure what to […]

Short Story of a Hike in The Forest

This story takes place in a forest. A forest named during a war. The name of the forest an oxymoron, transpired when a white man was taking land from the Cherokee. The man, a religious man, peered out at the mountains in this forest, and named these lands Pisquah. In history, thousands of years ago, […]

Eating Plant Based While Traveling. Can it be done?

Our Adventures in France In a world that embraces cream, butter, and meat in every meal, could one even attempt to explore the culinary world of France and expect to eat only plants?  Recently, guided with readings from Bill Buford’s book “Dirt” an adventure in French cooking and my French guide books, we set forth […]

Media Coverage and Interviews

The following are media coverage of “In the Garden: 40 day Journey of Hope and Healing” (Kharis Publishing) by Nichole Fogleman ( interviews, book signings, articles, reviews) Book Signings Media To book Nichole for an interview please contact Don Otis of Veritas Incorporated, don@veritasincorporated.com Radio Interviews: 1. The Carol Henry Show (WKTO) , January 2, […]

The Art of the Steam

It’s peak asparagus season, April and May. The only time of the year this spring vegetable, we call the “little trees”, will make it on our plates in the Fogleman household. Once you have experienced these “little trees” in season, its’ hard to enjoy them any other time of year. In honor of this time […]